
Bombay Psychiatric Society

Bombay Psychiatric Society is a private organisation of mental health professionals that include Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Social workers & other allied mental health professionals in the city of Mumbai (previously Bombay), Maharashtra, India.

Public education, Psychiatric training, Research and academic exchange are other areas of society’s focus. Regular activities consist of clinical meetings, seminars, annual quiz for undergraduate and post graduate students, and an annual debate for PG students. The Annual Day function is a major event with award sessions for research papers, an awarded oration and a national level lifetime achievement award.

Bombay Psychiatric Society is an autonomous body of Mental Health professionals in the city of Mumbai, working for the cause of positive mental health by promoting prevention, control, treatment and relief of all psychiatric disabilities. Public education, Psychiatric training, Research and academic exchange are other areas of society’s focus. Regular activities consist of clinical meetings, seminars, annual quiz for undergraduate and post graduate students, and an annual debate for PG students. The Annual Day function is a major event with award sessions for research papers, an awarded oration and a national level lifetime achievement award.

Continuous growth of the society has been possible only because of the vision of the founder members and dedication of active members over the years inspite of turbulent phases. The Society is governed by it’s constitution, and the administration is handled by honorary service of executive committee members duly elected or nominated. Life membership with voting rights is awarded to qualified eligible Psychiatrists. Other mental health professionals and medical experts are enrolled as associate members and PG students are given Student Membership. BPS is a registered society with recognition from charity commissioner and exemption benefits under section 80-G by Income tax dept.

The society began functioning formally in 1967, with meetings at the late capt.(Dr.) K.A.J. Lalkaka’s residence at kemp’s corner. Guest speakers, discussions on interesting cases and academic subjects were the content of their 1—-11/2 hour meetings.From these meetings sprang the concept of holding luncheon meetings at the K.E.M Hospital hosted jointly by Dr. N.S. Vahia and Dr. V.N. Bagadia.

As the attendance increased the meetings became regular monthly meetings with all 4 medical colleges (JJ Hospital, K.E.M Hospital, Nair Hospital, Sion Hospital) participating and invitations being extended to all Psychiatrists and Psychologists in private and non- teaching set-ups. Around 1965 it was felt the body was now strong enough and the Bombay Psychiatric Society was formally named and constitution adopted.
At the first general body meeting Dr. Lalkaka was elected president and Dr. K.R.Saraf became the first Hon. Secretary of our Society.